Printed on 3/18/2025

Automated Manufacturing Systems Technology

10-628-3 Associate Degree (AAS) Part Time, Full Time 60 Credits Financial Aid Eligible Location*: Appleton

*If general education courses are required, they may be available at multiple locations.

Manufacturers are using machine automation and controls to produce quality products faster and more efficiently. These automated systems also provide critical information to help managers make good business decisions. The ability to produce a product while providing data is an important part of automation. Businesses need skilled people to design and build systems that integrate multiple technologies. With this degree, you could qualify for those high-tech careers. Learn about electronics, computers, control systems, programming, robots, fluid power, sensors and more. You will be able to install, program, design, troubleshoot and repair automated systems.


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Course list for reference only. Current students please refer to your individualized program plan or see your advisor.
**Outside effort hours are an estimate based on state standards, and may vary from person to person.

    Technical Studies (41 Credits)

    Course Title
    Course Number
    Instructional Hours
    Outside Effort Hours**
    Prior Learning Credit Eligibility
    • Instructional Hours: 18
    • Outside Effort Hours: 36
    • Course Number: 10449188
    • Credits: 1.00

    Provides information on the safety responsibilities of workers within the manufacturing industry. Special emphasis will be placed on common hazards and methods of controls.

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10620111
    • Credits: 1.00

    Provides an introduction to fundamental principles and laws of fluid power, with a focus on pneumatics. Laboratory activities are performed to verify the theory.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ANY of the following options:

    • MATH 10804113 - College Technical Math 1A

    • MATH 10804115 - College Technical Math 1

    • MATH 10804197 - College Algebra & Trig w Apps

    • MATH 31804308 - Industrial Maintenance Math

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10620112
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces advanced pneumatic and electropneumatic systems. Students examine how pneumatic components operate and how they interact in industrial systems. Laboratory activities are performed to verify the theory.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • ELECTRNC 10609170 - Ladder Logic & Control Devices OR ELECTRNC 10660170 - Ladder Logic & Control Devices

    • ELECTRNC 10620111 - Pneumatics 1

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10620132
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces the National Electrical Code as it applies to safe installation of electrical wiring and equipment. This includes motor design, wiring methods, and fusing of automated systems.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • SAFETY 10449188 - Manufacturing Safety

    • ELECTRNC 10609170 - Ladder Logic & Control Devices OR ELECTRNC 10660170 - Ladder Logic & Control Devices

    • ELECTRNC 10660112 - DC Circuits 3​

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10620142
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces AC Generators, Three Phase, and Single Phase motors. Starting methods for AC motors, including AC Drives, will be introduced. Control wiring and reversing circuits will also be introduced. Students will wire for Synchronous and Induction motor operation.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • ELECTRNC 10620148 - Motors and Drives 1

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10620148
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces DC motors and generators, along with DC Drives. Students will wire both separately-excited and self-excited DC generators. Counter Electromotive Force (CEMF) will be used to explain the operational principles of DC motors and generators. Various DC motor types will be introduced. Motor types include series, shunt, and compound motors.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • ELECTRNC 10660114 - AC Circuits 1

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10620164
    • Credits: 1.00

    Emphasizes the mechanical elements of industrial machines. Principles of leveling motors, fasteners, bearings, and couplings are covered. Terminology, selection, and proper installation and maintenance are stressed.

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10620165
    • Credits: 1.00

    Emphasizes the mechanical elements of industrial machines. Principles of power transmission, belt drives, and chain drives are covered. Terminology, selection, and proper installation and maintenance are stressed.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • ELECTRNC 10620164 - Elements of Machines 1

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10620188
    • Credits: 1.00

    Develops troubleshooting skills by using several closed-loop systems on a level and flow process trainer. Students identify faults electrically inserted into this trainer by recognizing symptoms, creating and using flow charts for analysis, and finding the problem with test instruments.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • ELECTRNC 10609170 - Ladder Logic & Control Devices OR ELECTRNC 10660170 - Ladder Logic & Control Devices

    • ELECTRNC 10660114 - AC Circuits 1

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628101
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces students to programming fundamentals necessary in automation related careers. Students will discuss proper programming structures including flow chart and pseudocode programming. Students will create and troubleshoot programs.

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628113
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces industrial control panel design, layout, mounting, and wiring of industrial relays, push buttons, pilot lights, plc, fuses, transformers, 3 phase motor, and motor starters are applied. Quality installation and NEC standards are emphasized throughout the course.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:

    • ELECTRNC 10609170 - Ladder Logic & Control Devices

    • ELECTRNC 10660170 - Ladder Logic & Control Devices

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ANY of the following options:

    • SAFETY 10449188 - Manufacturing Safety

    • Student is in progress in Dairy Automation (31-082-1) Program of Study

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628151
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)s and RSLogix 500 Programming Software. The PLC hardware will consist of Allen Bradley products. Students use the RSLogix 500 programming software to create logical solutions for real world applications. The applications will require students to create, download, and debug programs in RSLogix 500.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • ELECTRNC 30413305 - Electricity - Industrial 1

    OR ANY of the following options:

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ANY of the following options:

    • ELECTRNC 10605130 - Digital 1

    • ELECTRNC 10609170 - Ladder Logic & Control Devices

    • ELECTRNC 10660170 - Ladder Logic & Control Devices

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628152
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)s and Studio 5000 (formerly RSLogix5000) Programming Software. The PLC hardware will consist of Allen Bradley products. Students will configure Ethernet communications to connect to the Allen Bradley PLC hardware. Students will use Studio 5000 programming software to create logical solutions for real world applications. The applications will require students to create, download, and debug their programs. Students will study industrial sensors and their uses. Students will wire and test sensor operations.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ANY of the following options:

    • ELECTRNC 10609173 - ProgrammableLogicControllers 1

    • TECINDUS 10628151 - PLC 1

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628153
    • Credits: 1.00

    Continues using the Allen Bradley PLC hardware platform with Studio 5000 programming software. Introduces Analog I/O and scaling for program interfacing. Scaling with math instructions, data handling with FIFO/LIFO instructions, and sequencer SQI/SQO instructions are all introduced.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628152 - PLC 2​

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628154
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces the IEC 61131-3 compatible languages within Studio 5000. Students are introduced to Structured Text (ST), Sequential Function Charts (SFC), and Function Block Diagrams (FBD). Additionally, students learn remote I/O.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628153 - PLC 3

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628155
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces motion programming within Studio 5000. Students will configure, tune, program, and troubleshoot a complete motion control system. The course will cover homing, moving, jogging, and coordinated axis instructions of a motion device. The course introduces advanced PLC to PLC communication, advanced data types, and using Add-On instructions.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628154 - PLC 4​

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628159
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces Human Machine Interface (HMI) development. Students create Displays, HMI tags, Basic Objects, Object Animations, Global Objects, Alarms, and Trending.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628152 - PLC 2

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628161
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces basic robotic programming techniques. Hands on experience will include safety, system setup, jogging, events, tools, coordinate systems, and robot movement types.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:

    • TECINDUS 10628101 - Concepts of Programming

    • Student is in progress in Manufacturing Engineering Technology (10-623-3) Program of Study

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628162
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces advanced programming techniques. Hands on experience will include robotic input and output routines, program flow, variables/math instructions, offsets instructions, and operator communication instructions.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628161 - Robotics 1

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628163
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces robotic vision systems and PC based robotic programming software. Students will network robots with Programmable Logic Controllers as an introduction to an automated manufacturing cell.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628153 - PLC 3

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628161 - Robotics 1

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628171
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces Open Loop and Closed Loop control. Students learn about On/Off control, effects of deadband, and common manufacturing processes, which include Batch Processes and Continuous Processes.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628153 - PLC 3

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628172
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces Proportional Control using Proportional Band and Proportional Gain. Students apply calibration procedures to correct transmitter output signals, and interpret Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628171 - Instrumentation/ProcControl 1

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628173
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) based Proportional Integral and Derivative (PID) Control. Students apply various tuning methods to control closed-loop processes, including flow, level and temperature.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628172 - Instrumentation/ProcControl 2

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628176
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces students to PC based Human Machine Interface (HMI) development. The course uses Wonderware as a platform to design and develop the various components in most HMIs. Components include Basic Objects, Animations, Scripting, Alarms, Trending, and Security.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628101 - Concepts of Programming

    • TECINDUS 10628152 - PLC 2

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628177
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces students to PC based Human Machine Interface (HMI) development. The course uses FactoryTalk Site Edition (SE) as a platform to design and develop the various components in most HMIs. Components include Basic Objects, Animations, Macros, Global Objects, Recipes, Local Messages, Alarms, Trending, and Security.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628176 - Enterprise Integration 1

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628181
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces students to computer programming using the Microsoft Visual Basic software. Students will design, construct, and debug VB programs and applications.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628101 - Concepts of Programming

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628182
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces students to advanced computer programming using Microsoft Visual Basic software. Students will design, construct, and debug VB program and applications.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628181 - Visual Basic Programming 1

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628187
    • Credits: 1.00

    Teaches students to draw, edit, dimension, and plot drawings with the AutoCAD software.

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10628188
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces students to reading both electrical schematics and mechanical prints, while utilizing the AutoCAD software.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628187 - AutoCAD Fundamentals

    • Instructional Hours: 126
    • Outside Effort Hours: 90
    • Course Number: 10628194
    • Credits: 4.00

    Covers automated manufacturing cell design and creation. Applies programmable logic controllers, robotics, sensors, motion controls, drives, vision systems, and industrial safety hardware. Students create electrical schematics, wire, program, and troubleshoot an automated manufacturing cell.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628162 - Robotics 2

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • TECINDUS 10628155 - PLC 5

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10660110
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces electrical safety and program procedures. The course covers Ohm's Law, power law, series circuits, and voltmeter, ammeter and ohmmeter applications. Number powers, electronic notations, circuit component recognition and diagrams, resistor power ratings, color code, Kirchhoff's voltage law and atomic structure are also included.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ANY of the following options:

    • MATH 10804113 - College Technical Math 1A

    • MATH 10804115 - College Technical Math 1

    • MATH 10804118 - Interm Algebra w Apps

    • MATH 10804197 - College Algebra & Trig w Apps

    • MATH 31804308 - Industrial Maintenance Math

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10660111
    • Credits: 1.00

    Covers basic parallel and series-parallel circuits and their properties. Examines the theory, application and design of series-parallel circuits, such as loaded and unloaded voltage dividers and the Wheatstone bridge. Laboratory activities are performed to verify the theory.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • ELECTRNC 10660110 - DC Circuits 1

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10660112
    • Credits: 1.00

    Covers capacitors and inductors including time constants and instantaneous voltage and current values of RC and RL circuits. Applications and various types of capacitors and inductors are discussed. Magnetism, electromagnetism, and devices, such as relays and solenoids, are also presented. Laboratory activities are performed to verify the theory.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • ELECTRNC 10660111 - DC Circuits 2​

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10660114
    • Credits: 1.00

    Covers AC waveforms and different voltage values including Peak, RMS, Average and Peak to Peak. The operation of transformers is also included. Laboratory activities using the oscilloscope are performed to verify the theory.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • ELECTRNC 10660111 - DC Circuits 2

    AND ANY of the following options:

    • ELECTRNC 10660112 - DC Circuits 3​

    • Student is in progress in Manufacturing Engineering Technology (10-623-3) Program of Study

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10660170
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces hardwired components found in industrial applications used to control simple circuits. Students will learn about switches, relays, contactors, timers, and indicator lamps. Students will use their knowledge of these devices to wire various circuits. Students will use ladder logic diagrams to interconnect and label devices to make complete circuits.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • ELECTRNC 10660110 - DC Circuits 1​

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10660181
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces students to the Microsoft Office family of products. Students will create and edit Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and Access databases.

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10660184
    • Credits: 1.00

    Focuses on computer terms, computer hardware, computer functions, security and operating systems. Basic networking concepts are also introduced.

    • Instructional Hours: 27
    • Outside Effort Hours: 27
    • Course Number: 10660185
    • Credits: 1.00

    Introduces unique industrial networking media types. Ethernet networks including switches, routers, protocols, security, remote access, and wireless technology in an industrial setting.

    Coreq: Student has completed or is simultaneously enrolling in ALL of the following:

    • ELECTRNC 10660184 - Computer Systems & Networks 1

    General Studies (18 Credits)

    Course Title
    Course Number
    Instructional Hours
    Outside Effort Hours**
    Prior Learning Credit Eligibility
    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10801195
    • Credits: 3.00

    Develops writing skills which include prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. A variety of writing assignments are designed to help the learner analyze audience and purpose, research and organize ideas, and format and design documents based on subject matter and content. Also develops critical reading and thinking skills through the analysis of a variety of written documents.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10801196
    • Credits: 3.00

    Focuses on developing effective listening techniques and verbal and nonverbal communication skills through oral presentation, group activity, and other projects. The study of self, conflict, and cultural contexts will be explored, as well as their impact on communication.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10804113
    • Credits: 3.00

    Topics include: solving linear equations; graphing; percent; proportions; measurement systems; computational geometry; and right triangle trigonometry. Emphasis will be on the application of skills to technical problems. Successful completion of College Technical Mathematics 1A and College Technical Mathematics 1B is the equivalent of College Technical Mathematics 1.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:

    • Accuplacer Algebra 250+ OR HS GPA 2.75+ OR ACT Math 18+ OR MATH 10804133 - Math & Logic OR Algebra Level 1 Coursework

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10804133
    • Credits: 3.00

    Students will apply problem solving techniques from discrete mathematics. Topics include symbolic logic, sets, algebra and base number systems.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:

    • Accuplacer Arithmetic 263+ OR HS GPA 2.75+ OR ACT Math 18+ OR Arithmetic Level 2 Coursework

    • MATH 10804113 - College Technical Math 1A

    • MATH 10804115 - College Technical Math 1

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10809195
    • Credits: 3.00

    This course is designed to give an overview of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and international economics. Concepts include scarcity, resources, alternative economic systems, growth, supply and demand, monetary and fiscal policy, inflation, unemployment and global economic issues.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10809199
    • Credits: 3.00

    Explores the relationship between the general principles of psychology and our everyday lives. Students are given the opportunity to achieve a deepened sense of awareness of themselves and others. This understanding enables students to improve their relationships with others at work, in the family, and in society.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)


Expected Competencies

For more information visit our Credit For Prior Learning page.