College Accreditation


What is Accreditation?

Accreditation is the recognition that a college, university, institution, or program meets the standards of quality for faculty, curriculum, administration, library, financial assistance, and student services. Students can only obtain federal financial assistance if the college or university has the appropriate accreditation that is recognized by the United States Department of Education. If students want to continue their education by transferring their college credits, accreditation is an important factor as other colleges or universities decide whether to accept transfer credits from a previous school. 

Fox Valley Technical College follows the Higher Learning Commission’s (HLC) Open Pathway accreditation process. The Open Pathway follows a ten-year standard pathway cycle.

  • Years 1-3: Regular Monitoring – confirms the college still complies with Federal requirements and identifies any changes.
  • Year 4: Assurance Review – confirms the college continues to meet HLC’s criteria for accreditation.
  • Year 5-9: Quality Initiative - Identify a Quality Initiative project for the college.
  • Year 10: Comprehensive Evaluation for Reaffirmation - Submit Comprehensive evaluation and prepare for HLC’s site visit to reaffirm accreditation.

HLC Requirements

Criteria for Accreditation

The Higher Learning Commission has a quality of standards to determine whether the college earns accreditation or reaffirmation of accreditation.

  • Criterion 1. Mission: 

    The institution’s mission is clear and articulated publicly; it guides the institution’s operations.
  • Criterion 2. Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct

    The institution acts with integrity; its conduct is ethical and responsible.
  • Criterion 3. Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support

    The institution provides quality education, wherever and however its offerings are delivered.
  • Criterion 4. Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement

    The institution demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs,
    learning environments, and support services, and it evaluates their effectiveness
    for student learning through processes designed to promote continuous improvement.
  • Criterion 5. Institutional Effectiveness, Resources and Planning

    The institution’s resources, structures, and processes are sufficient to fulfill its mission, improve
    the quality of its educational offerings, and respond to future challenges and opportunities.

Assumed Practices

  • A. Integrity:

    Ethical and Responsible Conduct
  • B. Teaching and Learning:

    Quality, Resources, and Support
  • C. Teaching and Learning:

    Evaluation and Improvement
  • D. Resources, Planning,
    and Institutional Effectiveness

Federal Compliance Policies

  • Policy 1:

    Assignment of Credits, Program Length and Tuition
  • Policy 2:

    Institutional Mechanisms for Handling Student Complaints
  • Policy 3:

    Publication of Transfer Policies
  • Policy 4:

    Practices for Verification of Student Identity
  • Policy 5:

    Protection of Student Privacy
  • Policy 6:

    Publication of Student Outcome Data
  • Policy 7:

    Standing with State and Other Accreditors
  • Policy 8:

    Recruiting, Admissions, and Related Enrollment Practices

Fox Valley Technical College’s last comprehensive site review took place in 2015 and received a reaffirmation. The next comprehensive review is scheduled for April 2025
For questions related to HLC Accreditation, or the process of Accreditation can be directed to our College Effectiveness office by calling 920-996-2933.


Accreditation & Certificates

FVTC has many programs accredited or certified by industry and/or professional standards organizations. For a complete list of these programs, please see FVTC Program Accreditations and Certifications (PDF).

Higher Learning Commission

US Department of Education


United States Department of Education

Fox Valley Technical College is recognized as an institution of higher education by the United States Department of Education.

WI Technical College System


Wisconsin Technical College System

Fox Valley Technical College is recognized as a comprehensive technical college by the WTCS Board.

NC-SARA Approved


NC-SARA Approved Institution

Fox Valley Technical College has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.

The Higher Learning Commission & Open Pathway

The Higher Learning Commission is a regional accreditation agency that accredits degree granting institutions of higher education that are based in the 19-state North Central region of the United States. Institutions that the Commission accredits are evaluated against the Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation, a set of standards that institutions must meet to receive and/or maintain accredited status.

Fox Valley Technical College follows a 10-year cycle the Higher Learning Commission refers to as the Open Pathway. During year 10 of the Open Pathway, the Commission conducts a comprehensive evaluation and site visit. The reaffirmation of accreditation will occur in 2024-2025 for Fox Valley Technical College. 

More information on the Higher Learning Commission or the Open Pathway can be found at

Program Accreditations

Individual Fox Valley Technical College programs may secure additional accreditation related to their occupational area as available. For more information, contact the College Effectiveness Office by calling 920-996-2933

FVTC Program Accreditations and Certifications (PDF)

Professional Licensures

Individual Fox Valley Technical College programs may lead to professional licensures. For more information, contact the College Effectiveness Office by calling 920-996-2933

FVTC Professional Licensures (PDF)