What is Accreditation?
Accreditation is the recognition that a college, university, institution, or program meets the standards of quality for faculty, curriculum, administration, library, financial assistance, and student services. Students can only obtain federal financial assistance if the college or university has the appropriate accreditation that is recognized by the United States Department of Education. If students want to continue their education by transferring their college credits, accreditation is an important factor as other colleges or universities decide whether to accept transfer credits from a previous school.
Fox Valley Technical College follows the Higher Learning Commission’s (HLC) Open Pathway accreditation process. The Open Pathway follows a ten-year standard pathway cycle.
- Years 1-3: Regular Monitoring – confirms the college still complies with Federal requirements and identifies any changes.
- Year 4: Assurance Review – confirms the college continues to meet HLC’s criteria for accreditation.
- Year 5-9: Quality Initiative - Identify a Quality Initiative project for the college.
- Year 10: Comprehensive Evaluation for Reaffirmation - Submit Comprehensive evaluation and prepare for HLC’s site visit to reaffirm accreditation.