Sexual Misconduct Policy

FVTC does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX and its regulations, including in admission and employment.

Inquiries about Title IX may be referred to one of FVTC’s Title IX Coordinators, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, or both.

FVTC’s Title IX Coordinators are:
Shannon Gerke Corrigan
Enrollment Services
E111C - Appleton Campus
Email: Shannon Gerke Corrigan
Phone: 920-735-4796

Therese Izzo Nemec
Room G118D - Appleton Campus
Email: Therese Izzo Nemec
Phone: 920-735-4765 

FVTC’s nondiscrimination policy and grievance procedures can be located at To report information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination or make a complaint of sex discrimination under Title IX, please refer to

General Information

FVTC Title IX Non-Discrimination Statement

FVTC does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX and its regulations, including in admission and employment.

Inquiries about Title IX may be referred to one of FVTC’s Title IX Coordinators, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, or both.

FVTC’s Title IX Coordinators are:
Shannon Gerke Corrigan, Enrollment Services, E111C, Appleton Campus, shannon.gerkecorrigan8969@fvtc.edu920-735-4796
Therese Izzo Nemec, Room G118D, Appleton Campus, therese.izzonemec2991@fvtc.edu920-735-4765 

FVTC’s nondiscrimination policy and grievance procedures can be located at To report information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination or make a complaint of sex discrimination under Title IX, please refer to


If a complainant would like the details of the incident to be kept confidential, the complainant may speak with:

  • On-campus licensed professional counselors
  • On-campus health service providers and staff
  • On-campus Victim Advocate

Off-Campus Resources:

  • CAP Services
    • Outagamie County 1-800-472-3377 or 920-968-6365
    • Waupaca County 1-800-472-3377 or 715-258-9575
    • Waushara County 1-800-472-3377 or 920-787-3889
  • Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services:  1-800-261-5998
    • 920-729-5727  Menasha
    • 920-235-5998  Oshkosh
  • EAP (Employee Assistance Program) 1-800-540-3758 or
    • For FVTC staff, in partnership with Ascension, EAP is a free and confidential counseling benefit.
  • Harbor House Domestic Violence Services:  1-800-970-1171 or  920-832-1666
  • Harbor House Calumet County Outreach:  920-849-7819
  • National Sexual Assault Helpline:  1-800-656-4673
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence Hotline:  1-800-799-7233
  • Outagamie County Crisis Line: 1-800-719-4418 or 920-832-4646
  • Reach Counseling Services:  920-722-8150
  • Waupaca County Crisis Line: 1-800-719-4418 or 715-258-6300
  • Waushara County Crisis Line: 920-787-6550 or 920-787-3321
  • Winnebago County Crisis Line: 920-233-7707

Questions regarding Title IX, including its application and/or concerns about noncompliance, should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator. For a complete copy of the policy and applicable procedures or for more information, please visit or contact the Title IX Coordinator. Individuals who believe they have experienced sex discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation in violation of FVTC policy should contact the following: 

Title IX Coordinators: 
Shannon Gerke Corrigan, Registrar
Appleton Campus – Room E111C
Email: Shannon Gerke Corrigan

Therese Izzo Nemec, Director, Instructional Excellence
Center for Instructional Excellence
Appleton Campus – Room G118D
Email: Therese Nemec

Or email

Individual with Oversight for all Non-Discrimination
Rayon Brown, Vice President, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion & Regional Operations/CDO
Appleton Campus – Room E123A
Email: Rayon Brown

A person may also file a complaint with the appropriate federal, state, or local agency within the time frame required by law. Depending upon the nature of the complaint, the appropriate agency may be the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education, the Department of Justice, and/or the Wisconsin Technical College System

WTCS Student Complaint Form

For Complaints involving Employee: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

U.S. Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C.  20202-1100
Customer Service Hotline #: (800) 421-3481
Facsimile: (202) 453-6012 
TDD#: (800) 877-8339

Off Campus Confidential Resources

  • CAP Services
    • Outagamie County 1-800-472-3377 or 920-968-6365
    • Waupaca County 1-800-472-3377 or 715-258-9575
    • Waushara County 1-800-472-3377 or 920-787-3889
  • Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services:  1-800-261-5998
    • 920-729-5727  Menasha
    • 920-235-5998  Oshkosh
  • EAP (Employee Assistance Program) 1-800-540-3758 or
    • For FVTC staff, in partnership with Ascension, EAP is a free and confidential counseling benefit.
  • Harbor House Domestic Violence Services:  1-800-970-1171 or  920-832-1666
  • Harbor House Calumet County Outreach:  920-849-7819
  • National Sexual Assault Helpline:  1-800-656-4673
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence Hotline:  1-800-799-7233
  • Outagamie County Crisis Line: 1-800-719-4418 or 920-832-4646
  • Reach Counseling Services:  920-722-8150
  • Waupaca County Crisis Line: 1-800-719-4418 or 715-258-6300
  • Waushara County Crisis Line: 920-787-6550 or 920-787-3321
  • Winnebago County Crisis Line: 920-233-7707
What is a Title IX Coordinator?

Fox Valley Technical College has appointed two Title IX Coordinators to oversee all possible complaints of sexual discrimination, including allegations of sexual misconduct. All school districts, colleges and universities receiving Federal financial assistance must designate at least one Title IX Coordinator and publish the name, office address, telephone number and email address of this employee or employees. Throughout this procedure, the “Title IX Coordinator” will be referred to.  If you have any questions regarding this procedure or would like to speak with a Title IX Coordinator, you may contact either employee. Fox Valley Technical College’s Title IX Coordinators are: 

Therese Izzo Nemec, Director, Center for Instructional Excellence
Office: Room G118D, Appleton Campus
Email: Therese Izzo Nemec

Shannon Gerke Corrigan, Registrar
Enrollment Services, E111C, Appleton Campus
Email: Shannon Gerke Corrigan

Title IX Questions? 

Title IX Compliance Team

Beth Burns, Vice President - Student Success
Email: Beth Burns      

Terleen Cheslock, Director-Culture, Talent Learning & Development
Email: Terleen Cheslock

Shannon Gerke Corrigan, Registrar
Email: Shannon Gerke Corrigan

Lori Evans, Student Conduct Manager
Email: Lori Evans

Therese Izzo Nemec, Director, Center for Instructional Excellence
Email: Therese Izzo Nemec

Dr. Kadihjia Kelly, Counselor, Mental Health
Email: Kadihjia Kelly

Derek Reiter, Manager-Campus Security Services
Email: Derek Reiter

Amy Van Straten, Vice President – Administration
Email: Amy Van Straten

Hannah Westphal, Human Resources Compliance, Learning, and Talent Development
Email: Hannah Westphal

Information for Students

What are the rights of the parties involved?

FVTC will ensure the rights of both the complainant and the respondent in all allegations of sexual harassment. Below are some of your rights. For a full list, please see the FVTC Interim Title IX Procedure:

  • The right to an equitable investigation and resolution of all credible allegations of prohibited harassment or retaliation made in good faith to FVTC officials.
  • The right not to be discouraged by FVTC officials from reporting sexual harassment or retaliation to both on-campus and off-campus authorities.
  • The right not to be pressured to mediate or otherwise informally resolve any reported misconduct involving violence, including sexual violence. 
  • The right to have an Advisor of their choice to accompany and assist the party in all meetings and/or interviews associated with the resolution process. 
  • The right to a fundamentally fair resolution as defined in these procedures. 
  • The right to preservation of privacy, to the extent possible and permitted by law.
What resources are available?

If a complainant would like the details of the incident to be kept confidential, the complainant may speak with:

  • On-campus licensed professional counselors
  • On-campus health service providers and staff
  • On-campus Victim Advocate

Off-Campus Resources:

  • CAP Services
    • Outagamie County 1-800-472-3377 or 920-968-6365
    • Waupaca County 1-800-472-3377 or 715-258-9575
    • Waushara County 1-800-472-3377 or 920-787-3889
  • Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services:  1-800-261-5998
    • 920-729-5727  Menasha
    • 920-235-5998  Oshkosh
  • EAP (Employee Assistance Program) 1-800-540-3758 or
    • For FVTC staff, in partnership with Ascension, EAP is a free and confidential counseling benefit.
  • Harbor House Domestic Violence Services:  1-800-970-1171 or  920-832-1666
  • Harbor House Calumet County Outreach:  920-849-7819
  • National Sexual Assault Helpline:  1-800-656-4673
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence Hotline:  1-800-799-7233
  • Outagamie County Crisis Line: 1-800-719-4418 or 920-832-4646
  • Reach Counseling Services:  920-722-8150
  • Waupaca County Crisis Line: 1-800-719-4418 or 715-258-6300
  • Waushara County Crisis Line: 920-787-6550 or 920-787-3321
  • Winnebago County Crisis Line: 920-233-7707
What happens when there is a report of sexual misconduct?

A Title IX Coordinator evaluates all allegations of sexual misconduct under the current Title IX Regulations. If an incident is found to meet the definition of Sexual Harassment under Title IX, the FVTC Interim Title IX Procedure will be followed.

The formal investigation, which normally will start within 48 hours of receipt of the incident report (2 college business days) typically, will include the following actions:

  1. Initial meeting with person filing the incident report to:
    • Review the written incident report;
    • Collect or request all relevant evidence and documents;
    • Review  rights and options with respect to the incident reported;
    • Review relevant interim protective measures.
  2. Initial meeting with the person(s) accused
    • Review  the written  incident report;
    • Collect or request all relevant evidence and documents;
    • Review of rights and options with respect to the incident reported;
    • Review of relevant interim protective measures.
  3. Meetings with witness(es) with knowledge of events.
  4. Review of all relevant documentation
  5. Follow-up meeting(s) or contact(s) with the person filing the incident report and the accused to ascertain additional information, to clarify information and to update on the status of the investigation process. 
  6. The person conducting the investigation may, except in cases involving sexual violence, seek to mediate a resolution to the matter.
  7. At the conclusion of the investigation, the person conducting the investigation will retain all records and notes of the investigation.
  8. The person conducting the investigation shall prepare a written report, including the summary of findings and outcomes, including sanctions or remedial actions.  The person conducting the investigation may use college resources, including peers or colleagues trained in Title IX proceedings, to assist in the preparation of the written report.  
  9. Thereafter, a copy of the summary of findings, including any sanctions and remedies, will be provided to the individual filing the incident report and the accused.

Depending on the nature of the incident report, the complexity of the issues and events, number and availability of witnesses, the amount of information to be gathered and reviewed and other factors, the College will attempt to complete the investigation in 20 to 60 calendar days.  Additional time may be necessary in order to conduct a fair and equitable investigation. The person filing the incident report and the accused will be informed periodically of the status of the investigation.

While the College will exercise reasonable diligence in complying with the timelines and procedures outlined, deviations may occur in order to meet the intent of the policy or to ensure the fair and equitable resolution of a reported incident. The person filing the incident report or the accused should report any procedural error or deficiency to the Conduct Officer or Director, Human Resources, or it shall be deemed waived. A procedural error or deficiency shall not require an outcome in favor of the person allegedly disadvantaged by the error.   

Report an incident of sexual misconduct

You can use this report for documenting an incident for yourself or a student reporting to you. 

Reporting Form

Sexual Violence Prevention

Fox Valley Technical College provides all students with access to online training on the prevention of sexual and interpersonal violence. 

Access this training here

You will be asked to make an account using your name. Results of any feedback will be anonymous.

Information for Staff

What are the requirements if a student reports an incident to me?

If a student tells you that they have been the victim of sexual harassment, stalking, sexual assault, domestic violence or dating violence, you are required to report it to Campus Security.  For full details of reporting, please follow the reporting procedures located in the Sexual Misconduct Procedure document located under Important Policies & Procedures. 

What are the rights of the parties involved?

FVTC will ensure the rights of both the complainant and the respondent in all allegations of sexual harassment. Below are some of your rights. For a full list, please see the FVTC Interim Title IX Procedure:

  • The right to an equitable investigation and resolution of all credible allegations of prohibited harassment or retaliation made in good faith to FVTC officials.
  • The right not to be discouraged by FVTC officials from reporting sexual harassment or retaliation to both on-campus and off-campus authorities.
  • The right not to be pressured to mediate or otherwise informally resolve any reported misconduct involving violence, including sexual violence. 
  • The right to have an Advisor of their choice to accompany and assist the party in all meetings and/or interviews associated with the resolution process. 
  • The right to a fundamentally fair resolution as defined in these procedures. 
  • The right to preservation of privacy, to the extent possible and permitted by law.
What happens when there is a report of sexual misconduct?

A Title IX Coordinator evaluates all allegations of sexual misconduct under the current Title IX Regulations. If an incident is found to meet the definition of Sexual Harassment under Title IX, the FVTC Interim Title IX Procedure will be followed.

The formal investigation, which normally will start within 48 hours of receipt of the incident report (2 college business days) typically, will include the following actions:

  1. Initial meeting with person filing the incident report to:
    • Review the written incident report;
    • Collect or request all relevant evidence and documents;
    • Review  rights and options with respect to the incident reported;
    • Review relevant interim protective measures.
  2. Initial meeting with the person(s) accused
    • Review  the written  incident report;
    • Collect or request all relevant evidence and documents;
    • Review of rights and options with respect to the incident reported;
    • Review of relevant interim protective measures.
  3. Meetings with witness(es) with knowledge of events.
  4. Review of all relevant documentation
  5. Follow-up meeting(s) or contact(s) with the person filing the incident report and the accused to ascertain additional information, to clarify information and to update on the status of the investigation process. 
  6. The person conducting the investigation may, except in cases involving sexual violence, seek to mediate a resolution to the matter.
  7. At the conclusion of the investigation, the person conducting the investigation will retain all records and notes of the investigation.
  8. The person conducting the investigation shall prepare a written report, including the summary of findings and outcomes, including sanctions or remedial actions.  The person conducting the investigation may use college resources, including peers or colleagues trained in Title IX proceedings, to assist in the preparation of the written report.  
  9. Thereafter, a copy of the summary of findings, including any sanctions and remedies, will be provided to the individual filing the incident report and the accused.

Depending on the nature of the incident report, the complexity of the issues and events, number and availability of witnesses, the amount of information to be gathered and reviewed and other factors, the College will attempt to complete the investigation in 20 to 60 calendar days.  Additional time may be necessary in order to conduct a fair and equitable investigation. The person filing the incident report and the accused will be informed periodically of the status of the investigation.

While the College will exercise reasonable diligence in complying with the timelines and procedures outlined, deviations may occur in order to meet the intent of the policy or to ensure the fair and equitable resolution of a reported incident. The person filing the incident report or the accused should report any procedural error or deficiency to the Conduct Officer or Director, Human Resources, or it shall be deemed waived. A procedural error or deficiency shall not require an outcome in favor of the person allegedly disadvantaged by the error.   

Report an incident of sexual misconduct

You can use this report for documenting an incident for yourself or a student reporting to you. 

Reporting Form

What resources are available?

If a complainant would like the details of the incident to be kept confidential, the complainant may speak with:

  • On-campus licensed professional counselors
  • On-campus health service providers and staff
  • On-campus Victim Advocate

Off-Campus Resources:

  • CAP Services
    • Outagamie County 1-800-472-3377 or 920-968-6365
    • Waupaca County 1-800-472-3377 or 715-258-9575
    • Waushara County 1-800-472-3377 or 920-787-3889
  • Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services:  1-800-261-5998
    • 920-729-5727  Menasha
    • 920-235-5998  Oshkosh
  • EAP (Employee Assistance Program) 1-800-540-3758 or
    • For FVTC staff, in partnership with Ascension, EAP is a free and confidential counseling benefit.
  • Harbor House Domestic Violence Services:  1-800-970-1171 or  920-832-1666
  • Harbor House Calumet County Outreach:  920-849-7819
  • National Sexual Assault Helpline:  1-800-656-4673
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence Hotline:  1-800-799-7233
  • Outagamie County Crisis Line: 1-800-719-4418 or 920-832-4646
  • Reach Counseling Services:  920-722-8150
  • Waupaca County Crisis Line: 1-800-719-4418 or 715-258-6300
  • Waushara County Crisis Line: 920-787-6550 or 920-787-3321
  • Winnebago County Crisis Line: 920-233-7707
Sexual Violence Prevention

Fox Valley Technical College provides all students with access to online training on the prevention of sexual and interpersonal violence. 

Access this training here

You will be asked to make an account using your name. Results of any feedback will be anonymous.

Title IX Coordinators

Therese Izzo Nemec
Director, Center for Instructional Excellence
Office: Room G118D, Appleton Campus
Shannon Gerke Corrigan
Office: Room E111C, Appleton Campus
Title IX Questions?