We’re here to help you succeed. You’ll find a broad network of support at Fox Valley Tech. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help.
Admissions & Enrollment Services offers information on admissions, paying for college, transferring credits, enrolling in classes and more.
Academic Advisors partner with you as you work on your associate degree or technical diploma to help you succeed academically.
Explore the options to help pay for your education or find assistance in managing your finances while you're in college.
Counseling services are free and available for all current students to assist in dealing with issues that impact their overall well-being.
Career Services is here to help you with your career counseling and employment needs. Our services start as you explore your career choices with FVTC and continue throughout your employment career.
Career Services
We all benefit from being around people who bring different backgrounds, talents, ethnicity, interest and ideas to our classroom and campus. Diversity & Inclusion Services offers a wide range of recruitment and retention services for minority students.
Diversity & Inclusion
Disability Services are available to assist in creating an accessible college community where students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to fully participate in all aspects of the educational environment.
Disability Services
FVTC Veterans Services assists students with veteran education benefits and serves as a liaison between students and federal, state and local agencies. We look forward to working with you!
Veterans Services
Academic support services are available to students of Fox Valley Tech to help you stay on track with your academic progress.
Academic Support
Are you an FVTC student and in need of basic needs resources or help with money, housing, food, counseling, childcare or other resources?
Find Support & Resources
The primary focus of FVTC's Campus Care Clinic is prevention and care for illness or injury while on campus.
Visit Campus Clinic
Fox Valley Tech is here to support students and help you find parenting or child care resources.
Find Resources