Teaching & Learning Center


At our Teaching & Learning Center, we offer tutoring and support for several areas of study including math, writing, and science. Tutoring is a free service to FVTC students. Whether you are at the beginning, middle, or end of your academic journey, our team of experienced tutors are here to help you. Learn more about our educational support services.


Preparing for Tests and Managing Test Anxiety

Learn how you can perform better on the day of the test and prove you have the knowledge. Testing is all about effective preparation, which starts even before the class begins!

Manage Your Time and Stop Procrastinating

Identify your time-wasters and learn how to manage your time more effectively. We will discuss obstacles to time management and how to overcome those obstacles, as well as ways to deal with procrastination.

Critical Thinking: Is Your Thinking Making Your Life More Difficult Than it has to Be?

Critical thinking involves the ability to use facts and evidence to make decisions rather than jumping to conclusions or basing decisions on beliefs or assumptions. This workshop examines the definition of critical thinking and its applications for use in the classroom, in the workplace, and in life situations.

Happiness Project

Discover how to unlock your potential for creating a happy and fulfilling life. Review strategies that can impact your mindset and lead you down the path of creating happiness for yourself.

Goal Setting

Learn how to break down long term goals into smaller sets of activities that you can handle today. Setting goals is about knowing what you want and breaking it down so you can achieve it. Set yourself up for success!

Improve Your Study Skills/Notes

Learn these study skills to be a more effective student and save time! Successful students use these study habits to prepare for studying, taking tests, and memorizing difficult material.

Do You Feel Stressed Out?

Do you want to learn some simple steps to reduce stress symptoms and to even stop stress in your life before it starts? Come to this workshop and learn valuable information to once again take control of your life.

Coping With Grief, Loss, and Transition

Life happens, situations change, relationships end, we lose loved ones, friends, and jobs. All of these life transitions can be hard to deal with. You will learn more about grief and ideas for handling your life losses. Referrals to community resources will be offered.

Finding Resources to Make Your Life Easier

You pay tuition and buy books once a semester. This is relatively easy to plan for, but other expenses are ongoing--transportation, childcare, food, housing, and so on. Come and learn about college and community resources that may make your (financial) life a bit easier.

How to Write an Effective Scholarship Application

Join FVTC faculty and staff to learn many tips on how to improve your chances of receiving scholarships from FVTC and /or other sources. What do scholarship reviewers look for? How do you write a WINNING scholarship application? How important are references? What are some Dos & Don'ts of scholarship applications?

Email: TLC