Business & Management

Business and management programs cover a broad spectrum of career options. You can choose from programs in human resources, management development, legal studies, meeting & event management, supply chain management and more.

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business person showing graphs on screen
chart on laptop screen showing business success
paralegal student researching in library

Accounting & Finance

Money makes the world go ’round and with an FVTC accounting, banking or finance degree, you can be part of this with a new career. If you have an eye for detail and love working with numbers, you’ll be a great fit in one of these programs.

writing on papers with pencil and using calculator
two people working on labtop computer
person doing paperwork and using a calculator


With a communications degree, you’ll become an expert in messaging and technology. You can have a great career as a technical writer, social media manager or web content developer.

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person at laptop with communication icons
person searching for images on a laptop
smiling communications expert in office setting

Office Management

Administrative assistant, office manager, customer account representative and project coordinator are just some of the careers available to you with an administrative professional degree or diploma. | COMING SOON: Office Management associate degree and Office Coordinator technical diploma (pending WTCS approval).

woman smiling with office people in the background sitting around a table
person typing on a keyboard looking toward a laptop and monitor
person in office talking on the phone
0 %
Graduate Employment
6 months after graduation
$ 0
Average Annual Salary
5 years after graduation ($58,619 after 6 months)
0 %
Working in Job Related to Training
6 months after graduation

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Apply to a degree, diploma or certificate program.

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Request more information about programs of study you may be interested in.

Ways to Visit

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College Overview

Resources and services to help you achieve your goals.