Middle School Resources


Middle school administrators, teachers and counselors are valued partners of Fox Valley Technical College. Here you'll find access to career exploration resources and partnership opportunities.

Career Exploration for Middle Schools: 

In-person tours and events: Information on upcoming opportunities will be available soon. If interested, please contact us by email or call 920-996-2803.

Virtual career exploration events: Virtual career exploration events can be scheduled for larger groups. Virtual events include a look at the future world of work, career cluster overview, a word from one of our graduates, and an interactive snap career demo. An optional interactive panel with Lakeland University can also be included as part of the experience.

Bring FVTC to your school: Options include career presentations, career fairs, and any other career events you are hosting. 

Request Services for Your School

Career Discovery Days


TechKnowledge Career Discovery Day 

  • is a career discovery opportunity for 7th and 8th grade students. This event allows students to engage in hands-on activities and experiences facilitated by FVTC staff and industry professionals, providing students with knowledge of day-to-day activities in real jobs within the 16 career clusters.  
  • The day of the event, students will begin with a greeting from our K12 staff and learn more about FVTC before breaking into small groups to begin their experiences. Students will be rotated to three randomly assigned experience activities in different career areas. Career areas expected to be represented in this event include Marketing, Animal & Agricultural Science, Diesel Equipment Technology, Criminal Justice, Engineering, Professional Communication, Early Childhood Education, Machining, and so much more! 
  • TechKnowledge Days will return in the 2025-26 school year! Stay tuned for more information. Please contact K12partnerships@fvtc.edu with any questions.


Auto Collision Experience sponsored by Bergstrom Automotive 

Registration is now open!

  • The Auto Collision Career Experience takes place on Friday, May 9, 2025, from 8am – 4:30pm. The Auto Collision Career Experience is an opportunity for students ages 12-17 interested in autobody repair and refinishing to have a hands-on career exploration experience in auto collision repair using real equipment and vehicles. Taught by FVTC faculty, students will learn what it is like working on the job. Through support from Bergstrom Automotive, there is no cost for students who are selected to attend this experience. 
  • Applications are due by April 24, 2025, at which time they will be reviewed by representatives from Bergstrom Automotive, who will select the attendees.
  • Applicants will be contacted by a Bergstrom representative by April 28 regarding the status of their application. Accepted applicants will need to respond to the acceptance email to secure their spot. It is the responsibility of selected attendees to arrange for their absence from school and transportation, as this experience falls on a school day.
  • For any questions about the Auto Collision Career Experience application or program, please contact Emma Newhouse at enewhouse@bergstromauto.com.

Summer Camps 2025kids at FVTC summer camps 2022

FVTC Summer Camps offer hands-on learning experiences for Middle School & High School Students. Registration for summer camps will open on March 1, 2025. 

Summer Camps 2025


Ways to Visit

Virtual Tour

When you can't tour in person, you can still experience FVTC using our virtual tour.

Self-Guided Tour

Come see for yourself. Explore FVTC's main campus on a self-guided walking tour.

Request Tour

Schedule an individual or family tour of Fox Valley Tech. Email us to get started.

Collaboration with Junior Achievement

Biztown & Finance Park

middle school students

Elementary school students aren't old enough to drive, work, vote or be the boss. At JA BizTown® they are!

Students operate a bank, restaurant, city hall, newspaper, retail store and 10 other businesses. JA BizTown combines in-class learning with a day-long visit to a fully interactive, simulated town. Students leave understanding the relationship between what they learn in school and their participation in a local economy.

Teens rarely think about buying health insurance, or evaluating investment choices. At JA Finance Park® they do!

JA Finance Park, combines in-class learning with a day-long visit to a fully interactive, simulated town. Students in grades 8-12 are introduced to personal finance and career exploration. They receive family and income scenarios, then visit businesses to purchase things like insurance, clothing, food, transportation and real estate. They create a budget, allocate expenses and make personal investments. Students are the sole providers for a family and must accommodate the needs of the family without overspending. Educators assist student learning by preparing students before the day and summarizing the experience through post visit activities.


JA BizTown & JA Finance Park are correlated to Common Core Standards and Wisconsin Model Academic Standards.

JA BizTown& JA Finance Park are proven to advance students' knowledge, skill, attitude, and achievement.

Learn More

Community First Career Exploration and Financial Literacy Center
11 Tri-Park Way Appleton, WI 54914

Jennifer Van Thiel
Manager of Career Discovery - K-12 Partnerships

Interested in Volunteering? 
Volunteers are needed to assist students with these programs. Please contact Junior Achievement for more information.

Contact Us

Jennifer Van Thiel
Manager K-12 Partnerships

Amanda Martzahl
Career Discovery and K12 Partnership Specialist

Brooke Friederichs
Start College Now Specialist

Tiffany Ertman
Administrative Support