Video: Study in the U.S.A.
Where is Appleton, WI
Why Start Here?

Study in the United States by starting in Appleton, Wisconsin. Appleton is a safe and friendly community who welcomes you with open arms. It is part of the Greater Fox Cities and is also conveniently located close to many large metropolitan areas like Chicago, Illinois and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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Fox Valley Technical College (FVTC) is located in the east-central part of Wisconsin. The College is located in the city of Appleton in an area known as the Fox Cities which is comprised of 18 unique communities positioned along the scenic Fox River and Lake Winnebago.

Regarded as one of the safest cities in Wisconsin, the Fox Valley area is a vibrant, diverse community with more than 236,000 residents and a thriving metropolitan area surrounded by natural beauty.

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FVTC has been the college of choice in the community for over 100 years. As the largest higher education system in the state, the Wisconsin Technical College System is the leader in the delivery of cutting-edge, skills-based education. Students have the opportunity to choose from the following types of programs: 

  • Associates in Applied Science Degree
  • Certificate, Apprenticeship and Technical Diplomas 
  • Study Abroad/Exchange
  • Intensive English Program

When students complete their 2-year degree at FVTC, you can utilize one of our many 4-year college and university partnerships to transfer your FVTC credits to complete and receive your Bachelors Degree.

Tuition & Payment 

Tuition fees are assessed on a per-credit basis. Students are typically required to pay 10 days after the start date of the term. The tuition costs do not include books, program supplies, tools/equipment, uniforms or field trips. The following is a breakdown of what international students need to show for financial certification for one year of study at 12 credits per semester.


Amount (US $)*

Tuition $6,600
Living Expenses $10,000
Other Expenses $2,500
TOTAL $19,100

*Amounts are estimated.

Transferring your Fox Valley Technical College credits to a 4-year college has never been easier! Earn your associate degree at Fox Valley Tech then apply your credits toward a bachelor’s degree. Starting at FVTC makes completing a bachelor’s degree affordable, accessible and convenient. Find out more about transferring your credits from FVTC.

4-Year College Partnerships

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FVTC International Viewbook

FVTC International Student Viewbook

FVTC International Student Services
