Career Preparation Events & Job Fairs


Upcoming Career Preparation Events & Job Fairs


Public Safety Job Fair - Appleton

Connecting students and employers at Fox Valley Tech's Public Safety Training Center


Aviation Job Fair - Oshkosh

Connecting students and employers at Fox Valley Tech's S.J. Spanbauer Aviation and Industrial Center in Oshkosh.

Attending a Job Fair

What to Wear
What to Bring
Important Tips
Questions You Can Ask

You may be wondering how you should dress for the job fair. Here are some suggestions:

Men: Dress as you would for a career interview. A shirt and tie is very appropriate, and a sport coat or suit is even better - especially if you are in a business or professional field. Individuals in technical trades can be a bit more casual, but clothing will need to look clean and neat. Personal grooming and cleanliness in either case go without saying.

Women: Dress as you would for a career interview. A blouse and skirt or dress slacks are appropriate, and a business suit is even better - especially if you are in a business or professional field. Individuals in technical trades can be a bit more casual, but clothing will need to look clean and neat. Makeup and jewelry should be kept to a minimum. The event involves a great deal of time standing and walking, so flat shoes would be a preferred choice.

Remember that the employers in attendance are usually dressed professionally and expect the same from you.

Keep in mind: first impressions tend to be lasting ones. When you make contact with a potential employer - even at a Job Fair - you are being evaluated from the very beginning. Being properly prepared and "dressed for success" help you make a favorable first impression. 

Here is a list of suggestions for what you should bring to the Job Fair.

  1. Yourself: You definitely want to bring yourself to the Job Fair. It's your chance to meet employers personally!

  2. Resume and References: This is your "advertising material." Bring enough copies so you are certain you won't run out. 

  3. Work History: Occasionally, employers will ask you to fill out a standard job application as well as taking your resume. Be prepared to provide all the necessary information on your work history (e.g. names, addresses, phone numbers, dates, and supervisors from previous employers).

  4. Pens: Yes, it seems obvious, but don't overlook this. How will you be able to make notes or fill out a job application without a writing utensil? Black ink is preferred, but blue is acceptable. Pencils are never used for business correspondence.

  5. Professional Folder (folio) w/ Paper: Bring the folder you plan on taking on your interviews. It will usually be a black, brown, or burgundy vinyl with a pocket and a paper pad on the inside. Be ready to take notes and collect information from the employers. The folder is also a good place to stash the extra copies of your resume.

Bring more copies of your resume than you think you will need. Prior to the career fair, create and get a critique of your resume. Free resume reviews are available from Career Services. 

Research the kinds of jobs and organizations you would like to pursue. Survey the Job Fair program and develop a list of priority companies that you'd like to visit. Use your time wisely, so that you can talk to all of the organizations on your list.

Dress and act as professional as possible. This will show your commitment to your future work life and it will be noticed.

Develop and practice a 20 second "self-marketing presentation". Prepare what you will say when you approach a company representative and hand over your resume. Summarize your qualifications and put an emphasis on what you think is unique about you.

Develop questions to ask the company. Ask about job duties and how you can expect to contribute. Do not ask about salary and benefit-related questions during your initial contact. Be sure to thank them for their time and get their business card.

Follow-up your meeting with a thank you note or a call. Call to inquire about what happens next if the procedure has not already been explained. Don't be afraid to ask for a job interview if you want one!

  • What kinds of skills and experience do you look for in the employees you hire?

  • What are the characteristics of your most successful employees?

  • Are graduate degrees important to advancing within your organization? Which ones?

  • Which courses or experiences do you suggest to be a successful candidate?

  • What kind of entry-level positions (or internships) exist within your organization?

  • Does your company hire on a continual basis or just at certain times of the year?

  • How long does the hiring process take? What does it consist of?

  • What percent of applicants are eventually hired? What is the retention rate?

  • For how many years does the typical employee stay with the company?

  • Are there opportunities for ongoing training through your organization?

  • Do you expect your employees to relocate?

  • How much travel is involved?

  • What made you choose this company and why do you stay?

  • How long have you been with the company?

  • What's the one thing that most surprised you about this company?

Career Services
Appleton Campus
Room E121
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Email: Career Services