Business Professional Etiquette Essentials

Hours: 2.00 | Estimated Cost: $99.00

The business professional etiquette essentials training explores up-to-date societal expectations for etiquette and manners. Discussion includes a host of topics, including dining, hosting and entertaining, special events, social media, workplace correspondence, and gratuities. This training will assist business professionals in navigating social settings to maximize relationship building and represent their brand and organization in the best possible way.

    Additional Information

  • Learn About
    * Fundamentals of etiquette
    * Pre-meal scenarios
    * Ordering
    * Use of silverware, napkins, beverages and glassware
    * Mealtime conversations, respecting servers, and dining essentials
    * Difficult situations
    * Gratuities
    * Professional and personal use of social media
    * Professionalism in workplace correspondence
  • Benefits & Outcomes
    * Understand the primary and fundamental rule of etiquette is having regard and respect for the rights and feelings of others
    * Fostering a professional workplace environment generates a base level of mutual respect and improves communication between employees
    * When employees feel better about their jobs and feel respected, it translates into better customer relationships as well
Business & Industry Services (BIS)
5 N. Systems Drive
Appleton, WI 54914-1655

P: 888-458-0449
P: 920-735-2525
F: 920-735-4771