Human Services Professional Development

Those in helping professions need opportunities to recharge and invest in their own personal or career development. Topics can be adapted to the audience or agency for onsite in-services, conference workshops or staff renewal days.
Professional continuing education workshops include, but are not limited to:
* Co-dependency
* Co-occurring Disorders (Psychopharmacology), Part 1
* Co-occurring Disorders (Psychopharmacology), Part 2
* Family Systems Overview
* Relapse Prevention
* Self-Care Ideas for Helping Professionals
* Well-being: Personal & Emotional (Multi Titles)

    Additional Information

  • Module Options
    An overview of the dynamics and characteristics of co-dependency as an individualized method of coping with adversity, examination of co-dependency as a complex construct of beliefs, feelings and behaviors, self-abandonment and neglect, and pathways to healing and health.
    **Co-occurring Disorders (Psychopharmacology), Part 1**
    Two 90-minute modules related to co-occurring disorders with the first on intoxicants (overview and of psychopharmacology) and the second an overview of the mental disorders most commonly occurring along with substance use disorders.
    **Co-occurring Disorders (Psychopharmacology), Part 2**
    Two 90-minute modules continuing the examination of co-occurring disorders with the first focused on medications used to treat mental disorders and the second concentrating on therapeutic ideas and interventions, primarily from the AODA perspective.
    **Family Systems Overview**
    An introduction to family systems theory including the ideas of interdependence, emotional fusion and differentiation, types of troubled family systems and their characteristics, and the impact of external and internal stressors and trauma on family dynamics and members.
    **Relapse Prevention**
    An overview and examination of relapse prevention strategies, ideas, and risk situations through didactic material and open class discussion, review and examination of relapse triggers, scheduling, distractions, coping strategies, and the use of lapses and relapse as learning and growth opportunities post-event.
    **Self-Care Ideas for Helping Professionals**
    A blend of didactic material and open class discussion related to helping professional burnout and vicarious trauma, examination of self-care ideas and strategies including healthy lifestyle, boundary setting and maintenance, differentiation of self and counter-transference, and the interface of personal healing needs with professional duties.
    **Wellbeing: Personal & Emotional (Multi Titles)**
    A wide range of personal and emotional wellness titles address the well being of those in human service and helping professions. Examples include: *Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude*, *Discover Your Purpose*, *The Power of Vulnerability* or *Three Keys to a Meaningful Life*.
Business & Industry Services (BIS)
5 N. Systems Drive
Appleton, WI 54914-1655

P: 888-458-0449
P: 920-735-2525
F: 920-735-4771