Printed on 3/14/2025

Quality Technician

30-623-6 Technical Diploma (TD) Part Time, Full Time 20 Credits Financial Aid Eligible Locations*: Appleton, Online

*If general education courses are required, they may be available at multiple locations.

Get your foot in the door to a great career working in manufacturing quality. This program will prepare you for inspecting manufactured parts, including the reading of engineering drawings and using common measurement tools. You'll also learn how to implement process improvements and corrective actions.


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Course list for reference only. Current students please refer to your individualized program plan or see your advisor.
**Outside effort hours are an estimate based on state standards, and may vary from person to person.

    Occupational Specific (14 Credits)

    Course Title
    Course Number
    Instructional Hours
    Outside Effort Hours**
    Prior Learning Credit Eligibility
  • Interpretation of Engineering Drawings

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 54
    • Course Number: 10623106
    • Credits: 2.00

    Teaches students how to visualize a three-dimensional part from a drawing, interpret dimensions and tolerances, identify symbols commonly used in engineering drawings, and use engineering drawings for comparison, analysis and problem-solving purposes.

  • Quality Audits

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10623115
    • Credits: 3.00

    Introduces types of and reasons for audits. Students learn how to conduct an internal audit and to describe and apply various auditing tools and techniques such as checklists, interview techniques, record/document review, and tracing.

  • Manufacturing Processes

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10623148
    • Credits: 3.00

    Presents a comprehensive overview of the fundamental manufacturing process families. Learners focus first on how the processes move from a primary process of operation to the secondary process; then examine the tools and tooling used in manufacturing, forming, and casting techniques and their application, as well as material removal processes.

  • Problem Solving Methodologies

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10623157
    • Credits: 3.00

    Covers structured problem solving methodologies including Six Sigma, 8D, and PDSA used to identify true root causes and implement effective corrective actions. The application of individual quality tools and techniques to support these methodologies is also covered.

  • Metrology, Inspection & Testing

    • Instructional Hours: 72
    • Outside Effort Hours: 90
    • Course Number: 10623173
    • Credits: 3.00

    Offers the student a practical means to plan and use inspection systems and measurement equipment to collect meaningful data to assess and improve the overall approach to meeting customer standards. Students will also develop competence in the care and use of various hand measurement tools as well as the implementation of a calibration program.

    Occupational Supportive (6 Credits)

    Course Title
    Course Number
    Instructional Hours
    Outside Effort Hours**
    Prior Learning Credit Eligibility
  • Written Communication

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10801195
    • Credits: 3.00

    Develops writing skills which include prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. A variety of writing assignments are designed to help the learner analyze audience and purpose, research and organize ideas, and format and design documents based on subject matter and content. Also develops critical reading and thinking skills through the analysis of a variety of written documents.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ALL of the following:

    OR ALL of the following:

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)

  • College Mathematics

    • Instructional Hours: 54
    • Outside Effort Hours: 108
    • Course Number: 10804107
    • Credits: 3.00

    This course is designed to review and develop fundamental concepts of mathematics in the areas of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, measurement and data. Algebra topics emphasize simplifying algebraic expressions, solving linear equations and inequalities with one variable, solving proportions and percent applications. Geometry and trigonometry topics include; finding areas and volumes of geometric figures, applying similar and congruent triangles, applying Pythagorean Theorem, and solving right triangles using trigonometric ratios. Measurement topics emphasize the application of measurement concepts and conversion techniques within and between U.S. customary and metric system to solve problems. Data topics emphasize data organization and summarization skills, including: frequency distributions, central tendency, relative position and measures of dispersion. Special emphasis is placed on problem solving, critical thinking and logical reasoning, making connections, and using calculators.

    Prereq: Student has completed or is in process of completing ANY of the following options:

    • Accuplacer Arithmetic 263+ OR HS GPA 2.75+ OR ACT Math 18+ OR Arithmetic Level 2 Coursework

    • Student is not in progress in Associate Degree, Apprenticeship, or Technical Diploma (31 or 32 level)


Expected Competencies

For more information visit our Credit For Prior Learning page.