Corporate Security


A wide range of training is available for businesses to ensure their workplace, employees and assets are prepared for unexpected threats. Education about risks and prevention are key to being prepared and keeping away from harm. Train and prepare your facility managers, security personnel, and all levels of employees to consider different risks and threats.  Consider and customize the following training modules for your unique business needs.

Featured Customized Training

  • Our team of industry experts can create training to help make your business less vulnerable to security threats. Business owners need to be proactive by identifying security weaknesses then strengthening resources and educating employees.

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  • The importance of preparation and prevention has never been greater with increasing threats in all facets of our society from active threat events, terrorist attacks, and even industrial accidents. Implement security and safety training to keep your employees, investments and business safe.

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  • Effective physical security starts with a clear understanding of your facility's vulnerabilities. Businesses must look at security from every angle including physical entrances/exits, security policies/procedures, past incidents, employee insights, and then develop action plans to mitigate threats and protect their assets.

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  • Gain valuable skills to respond to workplace emergencies. On-site training is available for businesses seeking group AHA CPR, first aid or related training.

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  • Train your workers how to properly and safely use fire extinguishers. This safety training introduces the use of hand-held fire extinguishers giving your employees the confidence and skills necessary to take action should a fire occur in the workplace.

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Business & Industry Services

D.J. Bordini Center
5 N. Systems Drive
Appleton, WI 54914-1655
Email: Business & Industry Services

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