Metal Machining, Fabrication & Welding

Employment opportunities are available in ironwork, construction or manufacturing with a degree or diploma in metal machining, fabrication or welding. You can train for a career as a welding technician, custom fabricator, millwright or machinist.

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person welding with helmet on and sparks flying
welder in welding helmet
person working on a machine

Industrial Maintenance

Careers in industrial maintenance offer many opportunities to problem solve and work with your hands. With FVTC programs, you’ll get a high level of technical skills to prepare you for a job in a variety of industrial settings.

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students and instructor in industrial maintenance lab
Four people on the job at a building construction site.
two coworkers in an industrial setting discussing plans

Manufacturing Operations

In FVTC’s manufacturing operations programs, you’ll find both industrial engineering, as well as quality and process improvement. You’ll learn about the effective use of personnel, materials and machines in the manufacturing and service industries.

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woman looking at tablet standing in manufacturing building
two people in yellow safety vests talking
man in glasses holding a metal machine part

Wood Manufacturing

Prepare for work in cabinet making and furniture making, as well as architectural millwork in FVTC’s Wood Manufacturing program. You’ll develop your skills with hand and portable power tools, along with stationary woodworking machinery.

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woodworking tool carving the Fox Valley Tech logo onto a piece of wood
Fox Valley Technical College's woodworking shop
person working on building a bench in woodworking shop
0 %
Graduate Employment
6 months after graduation
$ 0
Average Annual Salary
5 years after graduation ($55,131 after 6 months)
0 %
Work in Job Related to Training
6 months after graduation

Take The Next Step

Apply for Admission

Apply to a degree, diploma or certificate program.

Request Info

Request more information about programs of study you may be interested in.

Ways to Visit

See what FVTC has to offer. Can't tour in person? Take a virtual tour from wherever you are.

College Overview

Resources and services to help you achieve your goals.

Student Spotlights

Student Spotlight: James Martin

Seeking greater expertise in his current career, James made the decision to go back to college for more specialized training and experience.  

Student Spotlight: Ian Paulson

Ian is attending his second year in the Industrial Welding Technology program. After seeing the way that welding made sparks fly, he was instantly hooked on...

Student Spotlight: Charlie Xiong

Industrial Welding Technology

Student Spotlight: Duvan Ramirez

Electro-Mechanical Technology