Start College Now

students sitting with laptops

Start College Now is a program designed to introduce high school students to the world of higher education. In addition to getting a first-hand view of the college experience, you can earn both high school and college credit at the same time. These credits may be applied toward a degree at Fox Valley Technical College or at many other Wisconsin colleges. 

To participate in Start College Now, you must: 

  • Have approval from your parent/guardian. 
  • Be enrolled in a public school and have completed the 10th grade. 
  • Be in good academic standing and meet course entry requirements.
  • Have an acceptable disciplinary record and do not meet the statutory definition of a "child at risk"

If you meet these qualifications and are ready to get started, here are your next steps:

  1. Complete the Start College Now Interest Form. After we receive your completed interest form, we will send a response with your next steps to the e-mail address provided within two business days.
  2. Review the Start College Now Processes and Deadlines (PDF) to help you through the process. This document includes step-by-step directions, due dates, and FAQ's for Start College Now students.
  3. Meet with your high school counselor to select your courses from the Start College Now Course Guide (PDF).
  4. Print the Start College Now Application. Complete and submit the form to your high school by March 1st for fall classes; October 1st for spring classes. Start College Now Application (PDF) Formulario de Aplicación

Start College Now Calendar


Deadline to submit ACT scores and high school transcript for fall semester

Deadline for Fall Semester class takers to submit ACT scores and high school transcript with final grades to FVTC (if applicable).

Start of fall semester, classes begin

Fall Semester class begin.

Spring Start College Now applications due

Spring Start College Now applications due to high school counselors.

Deadline to return school board-approved Spring applications to FVTC

Recommended date for counselors to return school board-approved Spring applications to FVTC.

Emails sent to students with approved courses (Spring)

November 5 - December 15 | Emails sent to students with approved courses and enrollment instructions for Spring by FVTC staff after applications received from high schools.

Nursing Assistant, EMT – Basic, Phlebotomy, and Truck Driving application checklist items due (Spring)

Nursing Assistant, EMT – Basic, Phlebotomy, and Truck Driving application checklist items due for Spring Semester. (students must separately apply for admission to these programs)

Spring class registration begins

Spring class registration begins.

Textbooks available for Spring semester

Textbooks available for purchase for Spring semester.

Deadline to submit ACT scores and high school transcript

Deadline for Spring Semester class takers to submit ACT scores and high school transcript with final grades to FVTC (if applicable).

Emails sent to students with approved courses (Fall)

April 5 - April 27 | Emails sent to students with approved courses and enrollment instructions for Fall by FVTC staff after applications received from high schools.

Nursing Assistant, EMT – Basic, Phlebotomy, and Truck Driving application checklist items due (Fall)

Nursing Assistant, EMT – Basic, Phlebotomy, and Truck Driving application checklist items due for Fall Semester. (students must separately apply for admission to these programs)

Fall class registration begins

Fall class registration begins.

Textbooks available for Fall classes

Textbooks available for purchase for Fall classes.

Information for Current Start College Now Students


Have questions about about your account, classes, books, or something else? Check the FAQ for answers.


Checklist (PDF): Use this helpful checklist tool to stay on track with Start College Now deadlines and tasks. 

Class Drop and Refund Policy

Start College Now Class Drop and Refund Policy: Classes must be dropped before the start date to avoid any academic or financial impact.
Classes can be dropped through your MyFVTC account. All Fox Valley Technical College Students, including Start College Now students, follow the approved college refund policy regarding dropped classes.

Connect with the Start College Now Team:

Email: Start College Now