Student Events & Organizations

On Campus Amenities

Cafeteria Counter Apples

Dining & Services

Join us weekdays in the Commons at Appleton Campus for breakfast, lunch and desserts. Vending is available at all FVTC locations.

FVTC Bookstore


The bookstore at Fox Valley Technical College offers online textbook purchase, textbook rental and e-books and other digital learning tools.

FVTC Trilogy Salon

Trilogy Salon

Trilogy Salon & Spa is a state-of-the-art salon and learning lab for FVTC students.

Child Care Center

Child Care

The Parent/Child Center provides child care for students and staff of FVTC, as well as members of the community.


Upcoming Events


35th Parent Resource Fair - Appleton

FREE event for parents and parents-to-be, including information and resources from community partners. Join us for all of this event or any part you can.


35th Parent Resource Fair - Appleton

FREE event for parents and parents-to-be, including information and resources from community partners. Join us for all of this event or any part you can.


Explore Starting a Business - Appleton

This complimentary session provides an inside look at what it takes to launch a small business.


High School Senior Express Admissions Day - Appleton

Visit us anytime between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. and we’ll help you get started on your path to earning a degree. We’ve got a team ready to assist you through every part of the process. No need to register, just drop in when it’s convenient for you. 


Work for Yourself at 50 Plus

AARP Foundation’s Work for Yourself @ 50+ initiative will help you gain the knowledge, support, and resources you need to make informed decisions about working for yourself and learn what it takes to launch a successful self-employment venture. The decision to start your own business can be both exciting and daunting.