Summer Camps



Thank you for your interest in summer camps at Fox Valley Tech! 

FVTC Summer Camps are a great way for middle and high school students to gain valuable hands-on career immersion experience in different career fields. Whether your student is in public school, private school, or homeschool, FVTC Summer Camps offer a unique way for students to explore their career interests. 

Registration for 2025 FVTC Summer Camps begins March 1. 

2025 Camps (listed by date)

CSI Adventure Camp | Ages 14-18 | June 9-13

Students will learn from real crime scene investigators and get practical hands-on applications along with experience with criminal investigations. Students will learn and apply as a team and build individual knowledge and confidence in how to manage a crime scene, and how to search, identify, document, collect, and preserve evidence at crime scenes through lectures and practical hands-on applications. 
This training experience and adventure include, but is not limited to the following: Impression evidence (fingerprints, footwear, tool marks)-practical hands-on applications; Use of an Alternate Light Source-practical hands-on applications; Trace evidence (hairs, fibers, paint, building materials)- practical hands-on applications DNA and biologicals- practical hands-on applications; Crime scene scenario's- practical hands-on applications and Courtroom testimony- practical hands-on applications. 

Date: June 19-13
Ages: 14-18
Time: June 9-12: 8:45 a.m.-4 p.m., June 13: 8:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Location: Public Safety Training Center – PS118
Cost: $125

Take a Gamble on Machining | Ages 14-17 | June 11-12

Are you ready to roll the dice this summer? If so, do not miss this machining camp. The jackpot will be when you can make precision parts with precision CNC machines. This hands-on camp will involve you in all aspects from design, programming, and operating CNC machines. Learn how precision meets metal. 

Ages: 14-17
June 11-12
Time: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Location: FVTC Appleton Campus, Room F125 & F162 (use Entrance 4)
Cost: $75

Wheels on Fire! | Ages 12-14 | June 17-19

Put the pedal to the floor and let the rubber burn! Welcoming students ages 12 to 14 to join us in a multifaceted experience called "Wheels on Fire". Assemble, personalize, and take home your very own RC car! Additionally, the learner will assemble a 90-foot drag racing track and work with industrial equipment, including sensors and PanelViews, to measure, calculate, and display race stats. Finally, individuals will compete against each other by racing their personalized RC cars, as well as an alternative car designed using an angle-grinder. Lunch will be provided.

Age: 12-14
Dates: June 17-19
Time: 8:30 a.m-3 p.m.
Location: FVTC Appleton Campus, J.J. Keller Transportation Building, Room T180
Cost: $125

Farming Forward: Dairy Edition | Ages 11-16 | June 17

This hands-on summer camp will have students learning about Robotic milking systems at a state-of-the-art dairy facility, creating a one-of-a-kind TMR trail mix and learning about modern animal identification. 

Ages: 11-16
Date: June 17
Time: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Location: FVTC Appleton Campus, Service Motor Co. Agriculture Center, Room AG117B
Cost: $75

Basic Fire Camp | Ages 13-18 | June 23-26

Come join us to learn the basics of what it takes to be a firefighter. Come get hands on experiences by performing tasks and training exercises alongside local firefighters. Campers will also get a sneak peek behind the scenes at the local fire departments.  

Ages: 13-18
Date: June 23-26
Time: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: FVTC Public Safety Training Center, Room PS157

Diesel Technology Camp | Ages 12-18 | July 15-16

Learn about careers in heavy-duty diesel truck repair. Students will gain hands-on, minds-on experience working in a heavy truck repair shop. Camp includes a day spent working in a local heavy truck repair facility, meeting real Technicians, and having a lot of fun! 

Age: 12-18
Date: July 15-16
Time: 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Location: FVTC Appleton Campus J.J. Keller Transportation Building, Room T121
Cost: $10

Tech Voyagers – A Summer Camp for Young IT Explorers! | Ages 9-14 | July 15-16

A journey into the heart of IT exploration, where young minds discover, create, and connect in a dynamic and supportive environment. Join us for two days of tech-filled excitement! 

Ages: 9-14
Dates: July 15-16
Time: 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
Location: FVTC Appleton Campus, Room C125
Cost: $30

Wheels on Fire! | Ages 12-14 | July 15-17

Put the pedal to the floor and let the rubber burn! Welcoming students ages 12 to 14 to join us in a multifaceted experience called "Wheels on Fire". Assemble, personalize, and take home your very own RC car! Additionally, the learner will assemble a 90-foot drag racing track and work with industrial equipment, including sensors and PanelViews, to measure, calculate, and display race stats. Finally, individuals will compete against each other by racing their personalized RC cars, as well as an alternative car designed using an angle-grinder. Lunch will be provided. 

Age: 12-14
Dates: July 15-17
Time: 8:30 a.m-3 p.m.
Location: FVTC Appleton Campus, J.J. Keller Transportation Building, Room T180
Cost: $125

GirlTech | Ages 9-13 | July 21-25

This STEM camp  allows girls to participate in hands-on activities with computers, welding, soldering, science and much more, all taught by professional women.  The registration fee includes a camp T-shirt and take-home projects.

Ages: 9-13
Date: July 21-25
Time: 7:45 a.m.-12 p.m.
Location: Appleton Main Campus, Room A170A/B (use Entrance 16)
Cost: $55

Advanced Fire Camp | Ages 15-18 | July 28-31

The Advanced Fire Camp will be a continuation of the Basic Fire Camp.  The Advanced Fire Camp will perform more hands-on firefighting skills and experiences.  Examples would be use of breathing apparatus and turnout gear, search and rescue techniques, hose line movement, fire streams, extrication (using the Jaws of Life), simulated fire response and more. To attend the Advanced Fire Camp, you will have to attend the Basic Fire Camp or be an active member of a Fire Explorer Post.  Previously Advanced Camp attendees are encouraged to repeat as the hands-on experiences change year-to-year. 

Ages: 15-18
Date: July 28-31
Time: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: FVTC Public Safety Training Center, Room PS157
Cost: $100

Career Discovery Camp | Ages 12-16 | July 28-31

Not sure about what you want to be when you grow up? No problem! This summer camp provides students ages 12 to 16 an opportunity to learn more about different jobs within different career clusters through activities and field trips. Students will visit local employers and learn firsthand what it is like to be in different careers. Career areas covered will include Public Safety, Healthcare, Natural Resources/Agriculture, Finance, Manufacturing, Transportation, Business, and IT.

Ages: 12-16
Dates: July 28-31
Time: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: FVTC Appleton Campus
Cost: $25

Summer Collision Experience | Ages 12-18 | August 4-5

Get ready to dive into the world of automotive repair and refinishing at our Youth Summer Camp! This hands-on course is designed for students interested in learning the basics of auto collision repair, bodywork, and paint refinishing. Over the course of the program, campers will gain essential skills and knowledge in Auto Collision Repair through a combination of practical workshops, demonstrations, and real-world applications. Students will also paint a skateboard deck, which is theirs to keep after camp!

Through support from Bergstrom Automotive, this summer camp is available at no cost to families!

Ages: 12-18
Date: August 4-5
Time: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: FVTC Appleton, J.J. Keller Transportation Center, Room T108
Cost: $50

Career Discovery Camp | Ages 12-16 | August 11-14

Not sure about what you want to be when you grow up? No problem! This summer camp provides students ages 12 to 16 an opportunity to learn more about different jobs within different career clusters through activities and field trips. Students will visit local employers and learn firsthand what it is like to be in different careers. Career areas covered will include Public Safety, Healthcare, Natural Resources/Agriculture, Finance, Manufacturing, Transportation, Business, and IT.

Ages: 12-16
August 11-14
Time: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: FVTC Appleton Campus
Cost: $25

Additional Summer Camp Opportunities

Additional summer camps are support by Diversity & Inclusion Services. These camps are made possible at no charge to families, thanks to DPI grant funding. Due to DPI regulations, a separate registration form is needed. Please contact Diversity & Inclusion Services at 920-735-4825 for more information or assistance registering for a camp. 

LYT2E - Linking Youth to Technical Education | June 9-13
This youth camp provides high-level exploration in technical education with a focus on campus engagement, and representation, and includes culturally relevant practices. Camp LYT2E serves Black/African American 6th-11th graders enrolled in any of the 28 school districts served by Fox Valley Technical College.

H.E.R.O. - Hmong Exploring Real Opportunities | June 16-20
Camp H.E.R.O. is designed specifically for Hmong students entering grades 6-11. Participants learn about careers through hands-on, interactive sessions such as digital fabrication, paralegal careers, public safety, aircraft piloting, culinary arts, advanced manufacturing, health care, and many others. Students develop self-esteem and leadership skills through daily journaling, presentations, peer-to-peer contact, and a final graduation ceremony.

L.E.T.T.I.E. - Latina Empowered Through Transformative Ideas in Education | June 23-27
L.E.T.T.I.E. is designed for Hispanic girls entering grades 6-11. The camp helps participants see career options in a variety of science, technology, engineering and math programs. 

2024 Summer Camp Photos

Contact Us

Jennifer Van Thiel
Manager K-12 Partnerships

Kamala Alexandra Mischler
Articulation Specialist K-12 Partnerships

Amanda Martzahl
Career Discovery and K12 Partnership Specialist

Brooke Friederichs
Start College Now Specialist

Tiffany Ertman
Administrative Support