Electrical & Electronics

Electrical and Electronic Engineering is a fast-developing and high-demand field. With classroom study and hands-on lab activities, you’ll learn the fundamentals of electrical and electronic circuits and devices, digital electronics, embedded computer systems design, data acquisition, and communication and computer networks. Many graduates go on to pursue a four-year degree.

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Engineering student working in an electronics lab
student working on an electronics project
student working in an electronics lab

Manufacturing & Automation

In this growing area of engineering, you’ll get the skills you need for a career as a manufacturing engineer, automation engineer, maintenance technician, electro-mechanical technician, engineering technician, quality engineer or quality analyst.

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person working on a digital screen on manufacturing machine
person holding arm of manufacturing machine looking at a monitor
woman with goggles working on manufacturing machine

Mechanical Design

Put your creative and problem-solving skills to good use in one of FVTC’s engineering mechanical design programs. You’ll learn how to create the drawings used to make products, tools and machine components.

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person doing mechanical design on computer
person working at computer on mechanical design
person working at a computer looking at mechanical charts

Safety, Energy & Environmental

There are many career opportunities in this area of engineering both in the industrial and service settings. You can study to become an environmental health and safety technician, safety coordinator, project engineer or energy auditor.

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orange and yellow safety vests and helmets hanging up
two people in yellow safety vests and white hardhats talking
people in safety vests at wind farm
0 %
Graduate Employment
6 months after graduation
$ 0
Average Annual Salary
5 years after graduation ($66,683 after 6 months)
0 %
Working in Job Related to Training
6 months after graduation

Take The Next Step

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Apply to a degree, diploma or certificate program.

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Ways to Visit

See what FVTC has to offer. Can't tour in person? Take a virtual tour from wherever you are.

College Overview

Resources and services to help you achieve your goals.

Student Spotlights

Student Spotlight: Sean Hogan

With his love of figuring out how things work, Sean was able to turn his passion into a career with the Mechanical Design Technology Program at FVTC. 

Student Spotlight: Michael Alvarez Gonzalez

Michael chose Fox Valley Tech because of the terrific reputation of the Engineering programs, and superior affordability. 

Student Spotlight: James Martin

Seeking greater expertise in his current career, James made the decision to go back to college for more specialized training and experience.  

Student Spotlight: Todd Canziani

Automated Manufacturing Systems Technology & Electro-Mechanical Technology