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Student Spotlight: Ross Kleinmann

Student Spotlight: Ross Kleinmann

| By: Haase, Elijah D

Career Program: Cybersecurity Specialist
Originally From: Appleton
Current Residence: Neenah
Attended FVTC: Fall 2022 - Fall 2023





Why did you choose this career program?

I chose cybersecurity because I have always wanted a career working with computers. Cybersecurity is a great field to study because of the mix between hands-on lab activities and researching new vulnerabilities.

What are you learning about your career field that you find interesting or rewarding? 

A few things that excite me about cybersecurity are the ethical hacking aspects, such as system penetration testing and bug bounties.

Why did you choose Fox Valley Technical College? 

I chose FVTC because I knew that many employers seek out FVTC graduates. I also attended classes here over 15 years ago, and I have always wanted to return and finish my degree.

How has Fox Valley Technical College helped you change your life?

FVTC has great support services and wonderful staff that are always there to help. College can be stressful and there are many resources that FVTC offers for students that I am glad I took advantage of.

What type of job do you expect to find after graduation? 

After graduation, I expect to find a job working in cybersecurity. There are many career paths and opportunities in cybersecurity, and I am excited to get my foot in the door with a company and show them what I can do.

In one sentence, what's your best advice for someone who's not sure they're ready for college? 

Don't wait!

Lightning Round!

Best on-campus place to study: The library area, in the study rooms

One class you surprisingly enjoyed: Intro to Ethics

One class that challenged you: Security, Monitoring, and Operations

One thing every FVTC student must experience on campus before graduating: Ione's Dining Room

Pro tip for newcomers trying to find their way around campus: Don't be afraid to ask for directions