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Student Spotlight: Justin Lietz

Student Spotlight: Justin Lietz

| By: Haase, Elijah D

Career Program: Software Developer
Originally From: Oshkosh
Current Residence: Menasha
Year Started at FVTC: Fall 2023





Why did you choose this career program?

Ever since I used a computer to learn the alphabet when I was in preschool, I have felt like software was magic. I always wondered how it worked, and what was going on inside the machine. Now, my curiosity has been fueled continually by the evolving world of technology.

What are you learning about your career field that you find interesting or rewarding? 

I'm really inspired by the complexity and potency of software and how specialized individuals form teams to craft intuitive, user-friendly software. It's fascinating to be part of the magic behind the scenes.

Why did you choose Fox Valley Technical College? 

I chose Fox Valley Tech because I valued the straightforward practical courses and opportunities it would provide me with over other colleges I looked at. I feel like my effort is going directly towards learning the skills and technologies I need to know to be successful in a software career.

How has Fox Valley Technical College helped you change your life?

Since I started at FVTC, I have been more inspired to pursue a career in software than ever before. All of my instructors have been excellent, friendly, supportive and knowledgeable. I genuinely feel like this has been the best decision of my life so far.

What type of job do you expect to find after graduation? 

I am confident that I will be able to find a software development job. Ideally, I would like to become a backend or full stack developer for a health, fitness or technology company.

In one sentence, what's your best advice for someone who's not sure they're ready for college? 

Education has the transformative power to fuel passions, which can illuminate your path and dispel the doubts that have prevented you from pursuing them.

Lightning Round!

Best on-campus place to study: In the Library

One class you surprisingly enjoyed: Intro to C#

One class that challenged you: Data Access for Programmers

One thing every FVTC student must experience on campus before graduating: School Clubs!

Pro tip for newcomers trying to find their way around campus: Don’t forget about the online map!