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Start Here, Go There

Start Here, Go There

Spring 2021

| By: Britten, Casey

General education classes set you up for limitless opportunities.

Deep into his first semester at a four-year university, Spencer Grams knew something was wrong. It was a nagging question: was he at the right school?

Then the pandemic hit. After some career soul searching, Spencer decided to transfer to Fox Valley Technical College. 

“I’m going to mortuary school in Chicago and I needed four semesters of general education classes to be accepted,” Spencer says. “But I didn’t need a four-year university to do it. I realized I could get all my core general education classes at FVTC in Waupaca and it’d be much more affordable.”

Spencer is working and saving money while he finishes two more gen ed classes at FVTC. Then he’s ready for the next step. His only regret?

“I wish I would have gone straight to Fox Valley Tech.” 

On average, a 3-credit gen ed class at FVTC costs 40-50% less than at a 4-year school such as UW-Green Bay or UW-Oshkosh.