Save the Date: Farm Tour Returns in November
Fox Valley Technical College will host its 72nd annual Farm Tour on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, with virtual tours of two local farms at an in-person event at the Appleton campus.
The event is open to anyone interested in effective agriculture production practices, new dairy calf housing and milking facilities, and technologies such as on-farm digesters. Each dairy will share a visual presentation with time for questions and open discussion.
The host farms are the Strassburg Creek Dairy, with 1,000 cows with both a conventional milking parlor and 12 Lely automated milking robots, located in Wittenberg, Wisconsin, and Wayside Dairy, with 2,000 cows and currently building and implementing an on-farm digester, located in Greenleaf, Wisconsin.
This will be the first year the Farm Tour will be held during fall instead of spring.
FVTC offers 16 agriculture-related programs ranging from short-term certificates to associate degrees in agribusiness, farm management and agriculture equipment. The newest program added to our opportunities is the Dairy Automation technical diploma. Learn more >