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Prior Experience Pays Off

Prior Experience Pays Off

Spring 2021

| By: Britten, Casey

You have work experience. You should get credit for it.

You have a successful career, but you want to go back to school. Shouldn’t you get credit for that work experience? We think so. 

When COVID-19 halted work-related travel for Jenny Peterson, she decided it was time to pursue an associate degree in Business Management at Fox Valley Technical College. Working full time, and the mother of three, Jenny predicted she’d graduate in 2-3 years.

That is, until an instructor suggested Jenny explore Credit for Prior Learning (CPL), an FVTC program that awards credit for prior work experience. After vetting Jenny’s resume, and seven years of experience with Schneider, Jenny was granted 15 credits toward her degree. 

“This was a gamechanger for me,” Jenny says. “CPL shortened my timeline to graduation by one year and saved me thousands of dollars.”

"Credit for Prior Learning is helping expedite my bachelor's degree."

Jenny Peterson