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Five FAQs: Public Relations

Five FAQs: Public Relations

Option complements many AA programs

| By: Daley-Hinkens, Carmelyn M

Employers are asking their marketing and communications professionals to be adept at writing and working with the media. Because of that need, FVTC will add a new certificate in Public Relations to its educational offerings this fall.

Sarah Rivet, department chair of Professional Communications, answers five frequently asked questions about the new communications-related option.

What is the Public Relations certificate all about?

The PR certificate focuses on the skills needed for entry-level Public Relations. Students will learn communication strategies to work with media, social media and crisis management. The certificate focuses on mass communication, media writing and social media strategies. This certificate complements the Associate of Arts in Professional Communications and helps students gain a competitive edge in the public relations field.

Why did FVTC decide to add this program now?

This certificate was developed based on our local employers needing students to have experience with the media. Although the Professional Communications program touches on public relations, this certificate allows students to focus their career path on PR. This certificate will meet the demands of entry-level PR roles.

Who should consider exploring this program?

Students enrolled in Professional Communications, Marketing, Business or Administrative Professional associate degree programs. This certificate is a complement to their degrees. Candidates for the program should enjoy writing. Attention to detail and strong communication skills are important outcomes of the program. They should also enjoy both collaborative and independent work.

What types of jobs are available?

PR Assistant, PR Specialist, Social Media Specialist, Communications Consultant, Community Relations

What is the earning potential?

According to Glassdoor, $38,000-65,000 for an entry-level position in PR.

Learn more:  Public Relations certificate