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Creating a College Road Map

Creating a College Road Map

Spring 2021

| By: Britten, Casey

FVTC helps this high school senior create a long-term game plan.

Payton Reardon was barely a teenager when he toured Fox Valley Tech’s Public Safety Training Center (PSTC). But that tour would leave him with a lasting impression.

Fast forward several years, the Appleton North High School senior will start FVTC in fall 2021 with a very specific plan in mind.

“I’ll get my associate degree in Fire Protection,” Payton explains. “I’ll work as a firefighter for five years and then finish a bachelor’s degree in Arson Investigation at UW-Oshkosh.” 

Payton credits staff at an FVTC Career Day for helping him create this road map. They explained FVTC’s transfer agreement with UW-Oshkosh. When Payton’s ready he’ll only need two additional years to complete his bachelor’s degree.

For now, Payton’s ready for FVTC.

"I know the reputation of this program.
When you’re done, there are places waiting to hire you."

Payton Reardon