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Celebrating our Graduates: Carlos Guzman Ramirez

Celebrating our Graduates: Carlos Guzman Ramirez

| By: Haase, Elijah D

Career Program: Software Developer
Originally From: Palmares, Alajuela, Costa Rica
Current Residence: Appleton
Age: 21
Years of Attendance at FVTC: Fall 2022 - Spring 2024



Why did you choose to study this field?

I've always been passionate about science and technology. I chose to study software development because I wanted to understand how technology works and how I can use it to build everything I imagine. I aspire to one day be able to develop technology that helps people, and I know this career will help me achieve that goal.

Tell us how you came to choose FVTC for your education.

I'm in the United States with a scholarship from an organization in my home country, Costa Rica. They gave me the power to choose between some colleges around the United States to complete an associate degree. Fox Valley Technical College was the best college for me in matters of education, student life, work opportunities, and accommodation from all the lists.

What's been the most rewarding part of your educational journey at FVTC?

It has been amazing to experience the great support and kindness from almost anyone at FVTC. Walking through the halls or entering an office, I am always warmly received by instructors, staff members, and even the custodians. Fox Valley Tech became a second home, and its people became my family.

What was the most difficult part?

I struggled to keep up with all the opportunities FVTC had to offer while dealing with my responsibilities. Balancing a full-time student workload, working 20 hours a week, being an active member of college clubs, applying for scholarships, working on personal projects, planning for the future, and living alone abroad was definitely a challenge. As the saying goes, "a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor." I'm proud of all the challenges I've overcome during my academic journey and the friends I've made along the way.

What will you do on graduation day or in the future to celebrate graduation?

I want to sleep for 24 hours straight... But most likely, I will celebrate with my family visiting and friends. I have worked very hard to reach this far. I want to share my happiness with my loved ones and reflect on my experience.

Tell us about your plans after graduation.

I want to get a job over the summer where I can apply what I learned in the Software Development program, while developing new skills. Likewise, I plan to continue my studies and complete a bachelor’s degree at a 4-year university. My goal is to become an Artificial Intelligence Engineer and contribute to the advancement and ethical application of this field.

One last parting thought or words of wisdom to share with others.

There are five short thoughts that have changed my life:

  1. There are no dreams too big and no people too small; fight for what you believe is worth it.
  2. Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
  3. It is okay not to know something, no one is born knowing everything; being willing to learn is what matters.
  4. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Go and try new things, you could get a pleasant surprise.
  5. Find happiness in the small, life is too short not to enjoy it.