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Are You Ready for Fall? We Are!

Are You Ready for Fall? We Are!

FVTC announces plan for moving forward in fall

| By: Daley-Hinkens, Carmelyn M

Yes, the snow hasn’t even melted yet, but it is time to make plans for fall.

Fox Valley Technical College has taken a good hard look at what school will look like in the months ahead. After careful consideration, this is how we’re moving forward:

  • A full set of programs, classes, labs and support services will continue – or return – to an in-person and on-campus environment. Hands-on learning will always be our number one priority while continuing to take all necessary precautions during the pandemic.

  • Not only will we continue to offer online learning and support services, we also plan to expand online offerings so students have the flexibility to learn around their own schedule.

  • We will resume small-group on-campus tours starting in March. We will also continue to offer a comprehensive list of virtual program informational sessions. Those interested in these offerings can sign up on the FVTC visit page.

  • Our faculty and student services staff will continue to be accessible to help students explore programs, navigate the admissions process, choose classes and explore financial aid options.

  • Campus activities, such as clubs and organizations, will begin planning fall events and activities across our campuses and centers.