Student Spotlight: Katherine Cunningham

Student Spotlight: Katherine Cunningham

| By: Haase, Elijah D

Career Program: Data and Analytics Specialist
Originally From: Neenah
Current Residence: Neenah
Attended FVTC: Fall 2021-Spring 2023

Why did you choose the Data and Analytics Specialist career program?

I have always wanted to be a lab tech because of how succinct and structured scientific writing is. For years I have been working in job positions that didn't excite me until I was asked to review a report against our internal company software. That was the lightbulb moment. Analyzing and reporting on data is like lab reporting, but for digital materials.

What are you learning about your career field that you find interesting or rewarding? 

Learning different coding languages has been empowering, and I enjoy assisting my coworkers in retrieving the information they need. Additionally, knowing how to request information from databases using SQL (Structured Query Language) opens doors to new opportunities I never knew existed.

Why did you choose Fox Valley Technical College? 

I saw the new Data and Analytics Specialist degree program in fall of 2021, and it seemed like the perfect avenue to learn the skills I wanted to use for the next phase of my career.

How has Fox Valley Technical College helped you change your life?

After two semesters in the program, I accepted my first job in analytics. Now about to graduate, I have accepted a new and exciting position as a Business Intelligence Developer. None of this would have been possible without the skills I have learned at FVTC.

What type of job do you expect to find after graduation? 

I am already working in my desired field! I expect to continue to grow my skills and plan to have a long and fulfilling career there.

In one sentence, what's your best advice for someone who's not sure they're ready for college? 

Take your time to gain some life experience, and wait until you are sure.


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