Plumbing Apprentices Change Lives in India
Students from Fox Valley Technical College’s Plumbing Apprentice program raised their skills to global proportions by redeveloping a faulty plumbing system for an elementary school in Nashik, India.
The two FVTC students, Adam Koenigs and Peter Hollmaier, were honored to be selected to participate on Team USA with two other students from the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE), Miya Preston (designer) and Jill Vande Boom (engineer). All of Team USA was represented from Wisconsin, including instructors Randy Lorge of FVTC and Doug Nelson of MSOE. View Facebook post >>
Team USA joined three other nations in a comprehensive effort to implement the new plumbing system for more than 500 students and staff members as part of the 2nd Annual Community Plumbing Challenge, a global initiative designed to address inadequate water systems around the world by mobilizing skilled engineers, designers, and plumbers. The centerpiece part of the project included the development of a handwashing station in the school’s restrooms, along with toilet upgrades.
Team USA won first place in the competition, and humbly all members from FVTC and MSOE admit that the experience in helping others with basic hygiene technology was far greater than earning a top award. Research reveals that one-third of the world’s population suffers from poor plumbing systems, impacting health, hygiene, clothing, agriculture, and more.
As part of winning the top award, Team USA served as project managers for the overall renovation. They ensured that all materials and tools were to be made available in surrounding areas so the design could be used at other schools. The Indian Plumbing Association was on hand to witness the completion of the project to help advance it to other schools.
The overseas initiative demonstrates the global impact technical education has on humanity and quality of life.
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