Foundation: Starting Fresh
Fall 2020
New mom finds her footing with the Starting Point 2.0 program.
In fall 2017, November Behm was a new mom and education was the furthest thing from her mind. When a friend told her about the Starting Point 2.0 program, it was her daughter’s future that motivated her to learn more; the program provides education for young mothers and their children together.
“What interested me most was the early childhood education for my daughter,” says the 26-year-old from Appleton. “I wasn’t thinking about going back to school myself.”
However, thanks to the confidence she built during the semester-long program, Behm decided to give college a chance. She also wanted to set a positive example for her daughter. “Why would she go to college someday if her mom didn’t?” she asks.
Behm enrolled in the Human Resources program, and scholarships from the FVTC Foundation, Inc. helped ease the financial burden. She completed her associate degree in spring 2020, the first Starting Point 2.0 participant to do so. She also earned a 4.0 GPA.
Now employed as an administrative assistant for Mission Services at Goodwill NCW, Behm knows more education is in her future. Helping people with technology at work has sparked an interest in IT.
Behm is grateful for resources and support from Fox Valley Technical College. “The Starting Point 2.0 program helped me understand the importance of education, and more importantly, showed me I’m capable of succeeding!”
Women of Courage
Starting Point 2.0 is designed to help women ages 18-29 with financial planning skills, empowerment and career planning. It is a partnership between Fox Valley Technical College, the Women’s Fund for the Fox Valley Region and B.A.B.E.S. Child Abuse Prevention Services Women without children are welcome to participate in Starting Point’s sister program, EmpowHER. Learn more >>