
Handing Over the Keys

Handing Over the Keys

Four adults are getting ready to make a big move this summer. They will relocate to a new home specifically constructed for them by students in...
Taking Delivery on a 20,000 lb. Donation

Taking Delivery on a 20,000 lb. Donation

Construction Management Technology students recently took delivery of a 20,000 lb. modular unit from The Boldt Company, which will serve as a...
Student Spotlight: Aidan O'Brien

Student Spotlight: Aidan O'Brien

Drawn in by the small class sizes and hands-on learning, Aidan found his perfect career path through the Construction Management Technology...
A Gift of Protection from J. J. Keller

A Gift of Protection from J. J. Keller

A generous donation from a local employer and long-standing community partner is a welcome layer of protection for students, faculty and staff at...
The Future of AI in Construction Careers

The Future of AI in Construction Careers

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace is growing at a rapid pace and with it comes the need for workers to be upskilled in...
A Groundbreaking Construction Project

A Groundbreaking Construction Project

Students in the Residential Building Construction program have started on a new project to build a fully accessible home for adults with...