Kitchen & Bath grad Joan Watson exemplifies FVTC’s success at national competitions.
Ryan Geiger found his debt-free fast pass to a great career while in high school.
Two graduates generations apart are among several hundred from FVTC impacting Oshkosh Corporation.
Eric Kovacevich, a student in the Manufacturing Engineering Technology program, received a $5,300 mikeroweWORKS Foundation Work Ethic Scholarship.
Thrivent Financial finds its information technology professionals at FVTC.
HiTech Automation provides rewarding careers in manufacturing for FVTC graduates.
One of the largest accounting firms in the nation hires FVTC grads because they can hit the ground running.
The pathway to success in the field of information technology is wide open as illustrated in a recent article published in the Waupaca Post.
Faculty Spotlight: Lori Nagel, Agriculture: "The reward is hearing a student say, 'I can do that.'"