National Accolades for Culinary Instructors

| By: Britten, Casey

Two chef instructors, Julia Steinhiser and Gary Lyons, achieve milestones with the American Culinary Federation.

Julia Steinhiser

Chef Julia Steinhiser

Julia Steinhiser, a chef instructor in the Culinary Arts program at Fox Valley Technical College, was recognized at the national American Culinary Federation (ACF) conference in Orlando with two awards highlighting her skills in the categories of cold food pastry and savory plates. The annual event provides a networking platform for professional chefs while offering a menagerie of training sessions and competitions for continuous education purposes.

The De Pere resident won an award in a pastry competition in which her score qualified as a gold medal performance. Steinhiser was one of only two competing chefs to reach gold medal status out of more than 20 skill events overall. Her score was higher than any other contestant, qualifying Steinhiser to also earn ACF’s Culinary Classic Cup for 2019. See below for a photo gallery of Chef Steinhiser's creations. 

Gary Lyons

Chef Gary Lyons

Gary Lyons, chef instructor in the Culinary Arts program at Fox Valley Technical College, was inducted into the American Culinary Federation American Academy of Chefs (AAC) on August 10 in Orlando during the Federation’s national conference. The AAC represents the highest standards of professionalism in the industry. Lyons, of Menasha, has been teaching at FVTC for 14 years.

The Academy works to promote the education of culinarians looking to further their career through mentorship, scholarships, and grants. Established in 1929, the American Culinary Federation is the premier chefs’ organization in North America with more than 17,500 members comprised of 150 chapters.  

Established in 1929, the American Culinary Federation is the premier chefs’ organization in North America with more than 17,500 members comprised of 150 chapters.  

Learn more about Culinary Arts at Fox Valley Technical College >>

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